Sunday, August 14, 2011


I'm going to be honest.  I have to push the RESET button on this experiment.  Yesterday was a total failure.  I ate fish and dairy.  The dairy I consumed out of necessity.  I really HAD to y'all.  This is what caused me to fall off the wagon initially...

Oh yeah, and these...

I make Cake Dots  and had a big order to be delivered Saturday afternoon.  Well, I am of the belief that you shouldn't serve something unless you've tasted it and KNOW that its perfect.  Especially if someone is paying you to make something delicious.  So, as you can see...I HAD to try them.  (probably not really since I've made them 1000 times before, but still...)  Well after that, I might as well throw in the towel for the day.  We all had dinner at my parents house...yummy shrimp and asparagus.  Eh...might as well.  

Therefore...lets start over...Fanny goes Vegan part deux.

So on this absolutely beautiful Sunday, I will redeem myself with this...

I had on hand the kind that you're supposed to steam in the bag, but decided to bake them instead.  Lightly sprayed with Pam and tossed with a little sea salt and Trader Joe's 21 Seasoning Salute!  Delicious, but would have preferred to use fresh asparagus. Oh well.  Day 1 of the vegan experiment continues...

Friday, August 12, 2011

Eggstraordinary Contradiction

Today is day 2 of my vegan experiment and this is the inside of my refrigerator right now...

And so I started vegans cook non-vegan things for non-vegan people?  Or is that like, totally a vegan faux pas?  So I went HERE to see if I could quickly find the answer in some sort of Vegan FAQ.  It seems that I got an answer when it says that vegans don't use or consume animal products.  I find that hard to believe.  I'm going to have to find some vegans and find out if that is true (side note:  I just realized that I don't know anybody who is vegan so I may have to locate some sort of vegan message board and find out.  Sigh.). HOWEVER...for purposes of my experiment I am only ceasing consumption of edible/drinkable animal products.  I mean, some of these vegans go REALLY far with animal ANYTHING: leather, fur, wool, down, or cosmetics/products tested on animals.  And my honey.  Seriously, no honey. To save the bees?  Ridiculous.  I'm going to have to find out more info on that one. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

In Advance of Day 1...

So, my official 30 day start date of being vegan is August 11.  Last night I went to pick up some vegan items to get this experiment going.  Here is what I got...
1. Boca Spicy Chik'N  (the vegan equivalent of a Tyson Chicken patty)

2. Nayonaise   (the vegan equivalent of mayo)

3. gardein Chick'n Scallopini-  I have used (and loved) gardein products for several months and am super thankful that they are "certified vegan."

I will post daily about what vegan stuff I'm eating, how I'm feeling, and if I'm noticing any changes.  At the end of the 30 days, I'll post before and after pictures so you all can judge for yourself! 

The Experiment

I was watching some talk show (read: Oprah rerun) on which Alicia Silverstone was discussing her decision to become vegan and promoting her book The Kind Diet.  Now, if I were playing a word association game and was given the word "vegan,"  my response, without hesitation, would be RIDICULOUS.   I can handle the vegetarians because, as an animal lover, I kind of get it.  But, no dairy?  Well, now that is taking it too far. I immediately adopted this dismissive attitude when I heard her say something like THIS  (skip to minute 2:30) regarding her decision to become vegan.  Obviously such a statement deserves the eye roll that I gave it.  But, I continued listening to her blabber on about how she felt noticeably different after going vegan-  she claims to have better skin, bright eyes, more energy, and better sleep.  I am totally doubtful that eating Chick-fil-A is really causing me to experience skin, energy, and sleep on sub-par levels.  SO...I have decided to try it out and document my 30 days of being a vegan on this blog.  I initially selected 21 days because I have heard (read: seen it on Oprah) before that it is a good span of time to try the vegan way of eating, but have decided that 21 days really makes no sense at all so I'm going with 30 days.  I can do anything for a month...
No meat: cow, pig, poultry, fish, etc.
No dairy:  cheese, eggs, or milk from any animal

Stay tuned...